Preston Kanak is a filmmaker and entrepreneur who focuses on crafting authentic experiences in person and digitally.

Biography: I am a filmmaker and entrepreneur based in Saskatchewan, Canada. I started my filmmaking journey through my film a day project back in 2010, where I experimented with each of the 365 films. My passion bridges industries from video production to crafting immersive retail experiences and home remodelling. For the last decade, my work has taken me around the globe from small town Saskatchewan to tribal villages in the Philippines.

My Approach: I consider myself a life-long learner and thrive when learning new things and pushing my comfort zone. Finding ways to expand my way of thinking is without question one of my biggest driving forces.

I’m excited to share my experiences and learnings with you! If you have any questions or would like to connect, I’d very much love to hear from you!

    lines of business

    Preston Kanak’s passion bridges industries from video production to home remodelling. For the last decade, his work has taken him around the globe from small town Saskatchewan to tribal villages in the Philippines.

    With Cinescapes, Preston helps creatives and brands connect with their customers through media based content.

    With Sap & Seedling, Preston helps create spaces that people can thrive in through design and implementation of renovation and remodelling projects.

    On this website, Preston shares articles, provides consultations and sells templates to streamline workflows.

    Through Filmsupply, Preston sells video content that he has captured over the years.