The Time Capsule

I have always had a fascination with the history within the four walls of my dad's garage. I remember spending late nights with him working on snowmobiles and other things as well. I didn't spend as much time as my brother did but still hold memories in this space. As I've grown older, I've also grown much closer to my dad (although always having a good relationship) -- the relationshop is now soo much stronger. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that I have finally grasped the importance of family. I am on the road a lot but when I am home, I spend as much time with my parents as I can.

We are lucky and have a cabin where we all come together -- a common place we all enjoy. Family is extremely important and it is my goal to share this with others.When I approached the film, I was initially going to craft the story around a voice over but after assembling the piece, felt it was stronger without it. When approaching this project, I sat down with my dad and got him to walk through the objects in the garage and comment on the items that held a special place in his heart.

Following this, I worked with my mom to help craft the script as I knew she would also be able to bring a strong message to the piece. Below is both the brainstorm session I had with my dad as well as the script that the three of us drafted up together. I will make note of when each of the lines were to appear on screen as each image were crafted specifically around the text.

Crafting a Story Through Art Direction

There are a variety of ways in which a story can be developed. For this video, I wanted to use art direction to help craft the story. To do this, I first determined the story I wanted to tell. In it's simplest form, the concept I wanted to explore was founded from the saying 'if these walls could talk'. I wanted to explore a space that told it's own story through the items that existed in the space.

When I approached this film, the first thing I did was sit down with my dad -- whose space I was to explore. I walked him through the items in the space, getting him to talk about the different memories that he has had based around these specific items. I crafted a full list of these items and then started to write a script based upon my personal experience when I walk into the space. By talking both the list I created with my dad and the script I put together, I was able to determine which items in the space best represented the story I wanted to tell.

The Script

There is nothing like walking into a space that you KNOW is full of memories.

That sense of joy that you know was once experienced.

The conversations that will remain within the confines of these four walls.

Late night pipe-dreams rarely seeing the light of day.

A place where craftsmanship comes in many forms.

This craftsmanship passed down though generations.Enveloping a rich history of memories.

Memories from a forgotten past preserved as relics,Encased in a complex system of interconnected elements.

Each relic holding a familiar memory, remaining untouched until a younger generation.

Memories evolving and maturing over time.

But knowing these memories will remain untouched.

Brainstorm Session - Organized Chaos

The excerpt below is the notes I made when talking with my dad about both the contents in the garage/workshop as well as the memories he had in the space.

  • Memories evolving and maturing over time, SHOT: Beer bottles - stubby nose to the long nose - remember what he had been drinking out of for years -- once you change you don't go back -- remember when parents had stubby and now both parents are long gone -- took so many years to change the bottles -- Great West just starting out thought he would keep a few to keep both memories alive.

  • SHOTS: Clock from an auction -- Furniture store clearing out -- bought a bunch of furniture legs, brackets, screws and the clock was in with the stuff.

  • Items passed down -- tap and die set -- was given to dad before grandpa passed away -- inside has grandpa's writing on the box -- tickle trunk had the tap and die set -- dad said to grandpa he wanted it -- passing down from generation to generation -- means so much to dad -- prized possession.

  • Merging objects from past and present -- gardening tools.

  • Wood sigh -- stripping bark -- bought at auction -- something he always wanted to do.

  • Welder -- got from uncle Myron -- was from uncle's father -- uncle gave to dad to use -- got it working and then uncle asked for it back -- took it back and gave dad another welder -- other one was way better than new one.

  • Air compressor - Friend Wade going through divorce -- had to get rid of equipment - had air compressor -- he said 2, dad asked 2000 -- no 200

  • Pulled a motor out of a vehicle.

  • Paint cans - dad wanted to paint a portrait on wall at lake.

  • Garage has given lots of satisfaction.

  • Would call up buddy's would come over and have tun of fun -- ton of laughs and actually accomplish something.

  • Would fix stuff that would actually work.

  • Had to be gear head -- have three guys working together and would come up with best solution.

  • If only the garage could talk...

  • Green staked shelf -- western automotive (last automotive job) closing and dad asked if he could purchase.

  • Vehicle stereos changing but keeping old ones.

  • Motor - by the fan -- snowmobile engine -- was gonna put in snowmobile but sold sled first.

  • Socket set area -- wanted something that was accessible.

  • Cabinet with three drawers from meat locker in Wadena -- got from his dad -- his dad purchased a lot of them but dad took three.

  • The benches my dad built - guy worked with furnace company and that's how they shipped stuff -- he saved it and dad got for next to nothing -- hardware from before (above) was used for the bench -- cost nails and screws.

  • Steel in the corner - come from parts building at lake - taking bed frames apart - projects.

  • Door - probably 15 years of calendars on the door.

  • SHOT: Holder for screw drivers - hand made.

  • Vice - had originally a small dinky one but next door neighbour rented garage out and guy had a lot of stuff and had vice - dad asked what he wanted for vice and he said $25.

  • Tin on benches- from inland steel - people were chucking it.

  • Screw cabinets - were the very first thing he bought for the garage - at first had nothing to put in them -- didn't take long and now they are over full.

  • Anytime someone throws out, he keeps.

  • Manuals in cabinet -- went to auction bought one manual for his truck -- many manuals from his dad - some from western automotive, some he bought.

  • Scroll saw - loonie banks design -- was using jig saw -- scroll saw was easier - made a whole bunch of banks first to pay for scroll saw - jig saw broke and had to braze to fix - did fix.

  • Built the nice cabinet for prized possessions - tap and die was inspiration - welding stuff in there - special things in cabinet - wood working tools in cabinet -- most valuable stuff.

  • Pigeon holes for hardware from auction.

  • Blue step stool - VERY IMPORTANT - dad's dad made that stool - dad uses all the time - well built - more memories - he remembers him building it - remembers him painting it baby blue.


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