A Closer Look at the BASIC Controller Timelapse Estimator
Recently, the Estimator was released to help take the guess work out of your motion control timelapses. For this video, I wanted to take a closer look at both the BASIC controller and the new ESTIMATOR and find out how accurate it actually was.
BASIC Controller Overview
The BASIC Controller Quick Start Guide - Connecting & Controlling
There are three modes when using the basic controller. There is MOMENTARY, CONTINUOUS & PULSE.MOMENTARY MODE allows you to move the slider as long as a directional button is pressed. Variable speed can be adjusted “on the fly” while the carriage is in motion. CONTINUOUS MODE allows you to set up a move and let it move without holding down any buttons like in Momentary Mode (press once to start and again to stop). Lastly, PULSE MODE allows you to make ultra-slow movements that can be used for basic time lapses.One of the most important things to note about the BASIC Controller is that it is not a replacement for the Oracle. Even though it is a very powerful device, it does not have some of the features that the Oracle does have. I will touch on this more at the bottom of the post.
Connecting the BASIC Controller is very easy. You simply have to connect the provided Cat5 cable to both the BASIC Controller and the motor. You then have to connect your power source to your Controller and you are ready to go!
USING The BASIC Controller
To change modes set the SPEED knob all the way to the left (counter-clockwise) then press both DIRECTIONAL buttons at the same time. When the L.E.D. is Green, you are in Momentary Mode, when it is Orange, you are in Continuous Mode & when it is Red you are in Pulse mode. During the move you are also able to control the SPEED by changing the speed dial, which ranges from numbers 1-5.
Momentary Mode
You are in Momentary Mode when the L.E.D. is green. To use, set the SPEED knob to a speed that you desire. Press & Hold one of the DIRECTIONAL buttons to start your move. Once your move is complete, release the DIRECTIONAL Button.
Continuous Mode
When the L.E.D. is orange, you are in Continuous mode. To use, set the SPEED knob to a speed that you desire. Press one of the DIRECTIONAL buttons to start your move. When your shot is complete, press a DIRECTIONAL button to stop your move.
Pulse Mode
You are in Pulse Mode when the L.E.D. is red. When the L.E.D. is blinking red, you must then select one of three modes. speed one is for horizontal moves with light loads, speed two is for horizontal moves with heavy loads or vertical moves with lights loads, and the third is for most vertical moves.
If you find that the cart is not moving at any of these speed setting, use speed five.Once you have selected your speed setting, press & release both DIRECTIONAL buttons to confirm. The last thing you need to set is the delay time that you want (the time you want it to take to travel down the slider).
You are now ready to press & release one of the DIRECTIONAL buttons to start your move. When you are done your timelapse, press a DIRECTIONAL button to stop your move.To download the BASIC Controller Manual, click here.
BASIC Controller Timelapse ESTIMATOR Setup
In order to determine your delay time (the time it takes to travel down the slider), you must fill out a few fields. Currently these fields include slider type, motor type, distance, pulse mode, and how long you want the timelapse to last. Weight and angle will also be added to provide an even more accurate estimation.To access the estimator, click here.
The estimator is within +/- 10% of your desired time. That basically means that if you are doing a two hour timelapse, the move will finish within +/- 20 minutes of your desired end point.***If you happen to go past the end of the slider, you will not wreck anything. The slider is based on a clutch system and because there are only small bursts of power are being sent to the motor, it is unable to push enough power to advance it beyond the end point.
How to Use
Currently, the estimator is only available through the website. However, Kessler Crane is developing an iPhone app that should be available within the next month or so. Weight and angle will also be added in the near future.
Rebate on an Oracle
The BASIC controller was developed to act as a stepping stone for the Oracle. It was introduced as a cheaper solution for motion controlled timelapses. Although the ESTIMATOR helps in improving the accuracy of the BASIC Controller, it is still not as accurate as the Oracle and is unable to do some of the things that the Oracle can do.As a result, Kessler Crane are offering rebates for people who send in their BASIC Controllers when purchasing an Oracle. For more information, please contact us.
Not a Replacement for the Oracle
As mentioned above, the BASIC Controller is NOT a replacement for the Oracle and is not capable of some of the things that the Oracle can do.The ORACLE Control System is the core of our elektraDRIVE line of products. The ORACLE Control System is interchangeable between multiple products, like our REVOLUTION Pan / Tilt System, elektraDRIVE motor pods for the CineSlider & Pocket Dolly, and other products to be released in the future.Below is a list of SOME of the added features that the Oracle has that the BASIC Controller does not have:
Backlit LCD display with menu and setting values.
Fully adjustable controls for Max Speed, Dampening, & Dead Band.
Movement Recording / Memory Function with three memory banks
Battery meter for ORACLE battery
SmartLapse WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Timelapse mode
Assignable Premium Multi-Function Joystick controls
Built-in intervalometer with stand alone, continuous motion, shoot-move-shoot, & stop motion modes (requires Camera Control Module accessory).
Intervalometer capable of 0.25 sec exposure time for fast shutter (if camera can support the frame rate)
2nd axis control while in "Slider" Mode. Control slide and one axis of Revolution Head or Turntable with one ORACLE controller
NOTE: You can use the TILT and SLIDER function independently with the same controller. You will need the Crossover Cable & Coupler to access the PAN function while using the slider.