Why Following Your Passion Can Unlock Incredible Opportunities

Behind the scenes filming of 'The Trees That Speak' featuring Kevin Kossowan

Passion has always been my driving force in my career with some of my best projects coming from clients who discovered my work through these passion projects. While it’s often said that passion alone won’t pay the bills, I truly believe that when you’re deeply committed to something you love, it drives you to work harder, think creatively, and persevere through challenges. Passion fuels dedication and innovation, often leading to unique opportunities that wouldn’t exist otherwise. I’ve had a few of those moments and each of them came from moments where I followed my heart and went for it.

When you align your career with what excites you, you’re not only more likely to achieve success but also to find fulfillment and joy in the process. This powerful combination of passion and hard work can transform your life, and yes, pay the bills too. Passion is infectious, and people see it—it’s what draws clients, collaborators, and opportunities your way.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at the film below. It features Kevin Kossowan of From the Wild, who has embraced this philosophy. From my observations, he lives in an almost continual state of flow, doing what he loves and inspiring others along the way.

Getting Started with Defining Your Passions

You might be wondering, “What’s in it for me? How can aligning my work with my passions benefit me?” A great starting point is understanding your value system, which forms the basis for any significant decision in your life. Taking the time to think about what drives you is essential. If you’ve never done a values assessment, I have one available for download that can help you identify your core values and understand what truly matters to you.

If you have never done an assessment like this, it may feel overwhelming and you may not know where to start. All I can say is that don’t think too much about it. The more you go through the exercise, the easier it becomes. It isn’t a one and done type document - it is an iterative one. Think of it as a brain dump. There are no right or wrong answers - simply write what comes to mind.

Start Small, Adapt, and Adjust

Defining and aligning with your passions isn’t a one-time task—it’s an ongoing process. I use my values assessment as a way to realign with what’s most important to me regularly. It acts as my north star, guiding my decisions and ensuring I stay on a path that is true to myself. Start small by identifying activities that bring you joy and energy, and seek ways to incorporate more of them into your daily routine. Be prepared to adapt and adjust as you grow and evolve. Passion-led work is not a straight line; it’s a journey of continuous learning and discovery.

One strategy I use to stay on track is through accountability calls. These are daily calls with others where we outline what we will be doing for the day as well as identifying any obstacles that may be in the way for the day. We then get together for a very quick call at the end of the day to debrief how the day went. This conversation infuses accountability while also as a reflection point that allows for improvement in the work I do. If you are curious about these calls, consider joining the community to find out more.

Embrace the Uncertainty

Stepping into a passion-driven career might feel like stepping into the unknown. It’s not always the safest or most predictable path, but it’s often the most rewarding. Uncertainty is a part of the journey, and it’s important to embrace it rather than shy away from it. When you’re doing something you love, uncertainty becomes less intimidating and more of an adventure. Think of it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and innovate. Embracing uncertainty means being open to change, taking calculated risks, and not being afraid to pivot when necessary.

I am currently embracing the uncertainty through a new project that explores more of what it means to live a fulfilled life. From a format perspective, I am unsure how it will show up but I am starting with a few short films and will continue to explore the topic.

Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Surrounding yourself with people who share your passions can provide incredible support and inspiration. Networking with like-minded individuals can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and even friendships that enhance your journey. Seek out communities, both online and offline, that align with your interests.Remember, passion is contagious. When you’re around others who are equally passionate, it amplifies your own excitement and motivation.

When it comes to this project, Kevin and I have known of each other for years but have never had the opportunity to collaborate. After having worked with Kevin, it has become even more clear for me the importance of surrounding yourself with people that inspire you and push you towards being the version of yourself that you want to be.

Share Your Passion

Don’t keep your passion to yourself. Share it with others! Whether it’s through social media, a blog, or simply conversations, let people see what you’re excited about. Sharing your journey not only inspires others but also creates a ripple effect that can bring more opportunities your way. Be authentic and genuine in your sharing. Show the highs but most importantly the lows - the successes but also the challenges. This transparency and vulnerability builds trust and allows others to connect with your story. When you share your passion, you never know who might resonate with it or how it could lead to your next project or collaboration.

Measure Success Beyond the Financials

It’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring success solely by financial metrics. While making a living is important, it’s not the only measure of success. Take a holistic view. Consider the impact you’re making, the fulfillment you feel, and the personal growth you experience. Success is also about waking up excited to start your day, feeling proud of the work you do, and knowing that you’re living in alignment with your values. The sense of satisfaction and contentment that comes from doing what you love is priceless. It’s about the legacy you’re building, the relationships you’re nurturing, and the personal joy you find in your work.

Keep the Fire Burning

Passion can be a powerful motivator, but even the most passionate individuals can experience burnout. It’s important to nurture your passion and keep the fire burning. Take breaks when needed, practice self-care, and continuously seek inspiration. Revisit your values assessment regularly to ensure you’re still on the right path. Explore new hobbies, learn new skills, and stay curious. Passion is a journey, not a destination. Keeping it alive requires ongoing effort, reflection, and a willingness to evolve. By doing so, you ensure that your passion remains a driving force in your life, guiding you toward greater fulfillment and happiness.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

Following your passion is not just about finding a job you love; it’s about creating a life that feels meaningful and true to who you are. It’s about making choices that align with your values and bring you joy. While it may not always be the easiest path, it is often the most rewarding. By embracing your passions, connecting with others, and staying true to your values, you can create a fulfilling career and life. Remember, it’s not about taking the safe way; it’s about taking the way that feels right for you. Trust in your passion, and it will guide you to a life that is rich in meaning, purpose, and joy.


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